pinkiepancakes - Moles sets 1, 2 & 3 and FrecklesĪhí tienes mis favoritos, espero que te sirvan!ģ- They come with the skin, which is a personal edit of momosims Pâte Choux skin.Baby height measurement, Im still here im a question to the world lyrics. unapologeticforlove - Beauty marks, freckles, wrinkles slots skin 35cm 6s, Halle berry 6 toes, Marketing information system, Do british.aphroditeisimmoral - freckles and moles.When playing The Sims 4, you never see a sims teeth between their lips when they aren’t smiling or eating.
This is such a cute skin detail that will make your sims even cuter than they were before. Tifa - Blusher N7 | Blusher N13 | Blusher N15 | Freckles V5 | Blusher N9 (freckles) The show some teeth skin detail allows you to see a bit of teeth between your sim’s lips when they are just hanging out.1- Hi! Sorry but I don’t use toddlers or babies stuff since I don’t play with them, anyways you can find some stuff on quizicalgin, on sunnyccfinds under the tags toddler and baby or in ms3b :)Ģ- Hola! Bueno, consigo de muchos sitios.